Thursday, April 28, 2011

"I won't worry my life away."

I needed to be told this right now. It is way to easy to get caught up in life and forget to live. There is so much stress that is put on us by the world, why do we choose to only make it worse. I know in my case at least that once I discover a problem, I cannot stop thinking about it until it is solved. I try and  try and I tell myself, well you can't do anything about it at 2 in the morning, but no matter what I cannot stop thinking about it. I am putting it on myself. Worrying does no good, and honestly that is one of the biggest lesssons I have been trying to teach myself for a very long time. I worry, alot. I have trouble sometimes remembering that something is not everything. When I am under stress I focus only on the stress, and then come to realize later that it really wasnt that big of a deal at all. I think this is somewhat common. The inability to see past what is right in front of you, and view everything as a whole. Even if that one thing is a huge thing, worrying will not do anything. Its only natural to worry, I know that, but it is a total pain when you cannot stop thinking about it, or being upset about it. We run ourselves into these little routines, that we think we have to do. The entire world no a days never stops. Instant message, e-mail, facebook, it never stops. You cant catch a break. You move from one thing to the next. In the old days letters took days to deliver and respond to, now its a click away. School, work, drama are all stresses that drive us deeper and deeper in to this constant battle against time. Here stands the question, when do you get to just enjoy life. Well the modern world doesnt do a good job of telling you its okay t just slow down for a second. Coping with the stress is the hardest for me by far. I am not great under stress, simply because I cannot look past it and see all the good things in life. We have to stop stressing about nothing, or what will be nothing a week from now. Stop worrying and enjoying now. Do what you can, then just leave it. Regret wont help, worrying wont help, just keep moving along, enjoying and living. Now this is far far easier said than done, but if it is achieved, I believe it is the ultimate answer to stress. Just remembering that it is not everything. Because "does it make sense not to live for fun?" No it does not. Think about that and  "dont worry your life away". When you look at your life, your not going to think about the paper you didnt turn in in college, or the spelling test you failed in third grade, and though they were everything at the time, in the grand scheme of things its not important.
The only thing that is important is enjoying your life. Because even if you are a perfect student or worker because you let stress take over, and work all day, are you really happy? Does being perfect at everything but living life to the fullest matter. Fulfillment comes in happiness and to be happy we must make the choice to be happy. When we look at being happy as our goal, everything else is not the most important thing anymore.This is not to say we should all neglect our responsibilities, just dont let them become your life! Do what makes you happy, because it is honestly all that really matters.

"Don't worry, be happy."

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Lets talk about you right now. You are limitless. I realized this while sitting on the beach. Looking at the ocean and up at the sky seeing how it seemed to go on for ever, with no end. We are resemble nature in this way. We are limitless, we have an unlimited ability to love, change, laugh, cry, learn, have joy, whatever, there is never to much for humans because God didn't put a limit on any of that stuff. I cannot even think about how big the universe is, nor can I think about how large the mind is. Now what can we do with this, and if we have this unlimited amount of love to give and recieve, why is there so much pain in the world, it is because we limit ourselves. We make up our mind not to love someone, or tell ourselves we and others cannot change. When in reality, there is always room. We have to leave room for change in ourselves and other people, and not limit ourselves to what we use to do, or what others use to be like. Keep an open mind, because its limitless, and there is always room for change. Don't be afraid to contradict or be wrong, there is room for that, and room for the knowlege we learn from mistakes. There is room to love everyone, from family, to a guy sitting next to you in traffic. Remember this space that you have, this space that cannot be filled, and can be constantly taking in and pouring out love. Do not put limits on yourself or other people. Be open, and be limitless because there is always plenty of room. I for one find this empowering. I have the ability to do anything, and when you take away boundaries you put on yourself, it sets you free. The only one holding you back is you. Remember the grand scheme. When your all wrapped up and upset about something, stop and think about how small this problem may be. Your the one saying "be upset" "be stressed" "let one thing take over your life". Well I am telling you, these boundaries are taking away from your full and limitless potential as a human being. So I challenge you to be limitless in this way. Remembering that there is nothing you cannot do, no one you can not love, no mountain you cannot climb, and no situation you cannot overcome. I am such a fan of this little idea I came up with I decided to change the name of the blog, because change is good. I am not limited to one blog name, nor is there a limit on creativity. I think its a good way to be. People say live like this is your last breath, I think we should live like it is not only our last, but our first. Don't forget to be in awe of the world, and accept each moment as new and be grateful.

Yeah I'm aware that that was kind of an unorganized little paragraph, but I think I got my point across.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Look at it this way

Well, it's certainly been a while. I need to keep up on blogging better, because it really does help me reflect on my day, and an all around happier human being. Pardon the scattered nature of this post, I honesly have no idea what I am about to write about.
I'm tired lately. From lack of sleep, from too many emotions, and from the multiple stressors that life has tossed at me latey. Although, I am good at forgetting that when I'm having a good time. I think everybody is like that though, the only thing that can make people feel better is other people, but the only one that can make you better is yourself. Mind over matter my friend. The problem is with everything going on, its hard to see past it.
"No path is wholly rough, look for the places that are smooth and clear."

This quote is what I (everybody) needs to do, and eventually the moments of bliss will turn to days to weeks months, and ultimately a lifetime. Optimism isn't a characterisic or a personality, but rather a practice. Even people who are optimistic have their bad day (or months but whose counting) the trick is to not get caught in it. It doesnt happen over night, but rather a continual practice of gratitude and peace of mind. We cannot change what life deals us, we can only change our reaction. We will not always react correctly, but luckiy second chances are plentiful. Today a friend said to me, even if life is rough, I just think about how awesome my friends are and everything is great. Wise words from a wise human being, you know who you are if your reading this.

Long days mean more time
Bad times mean you had good and will have better
Tears mean you have smiled, and will again

Look at it that way.