Sunday, November 28, 2010


"In the time of test, family is best." -Burmese Proverb
This week my entire family (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins ect.) packed into one house for three days to bond over one of our favorite holidays in the Williams Family. Now before going into the events of this weekend you should know my family, is a lively bunch. We're tighter than jeggings, and crazier than snuggies. My Nana and Papa (or Packi depending on which cousin you are talking to) have a cottage on a lake where we spend many Summer weekends, Thanksgiving and New Year. This cottage is where some serious bonding goes down. I am extremely lucky in that my entire family gets along, all the cousins, we're all friends. Well let's get on with describing the weekend.

Well first off when we arrived the house was freezing. But that just gave us the excuse to make a fire and soon we were all nice and toasty. We settled in for some good old fashion family time. Which incluedes telling stories, watching football, playing football, playing card games, dancing, ect. Here are a few photos to give you an idea of what goes on at the cottage during the chilly months.

These cookies are a staple at any William's holiday. Lovingly frosted by the grandchildren, baked by Nana.

Just gathering around the table for some good conversation.

Dance parties are common.
Playing a little football is always fun!
A good old fashion game of go fish!

Frosting some cookies! One of the most loved holiday activities!

Another activity I took part in this year, I am proud to say will hopefully become a tradition. Anyone involved will agree that Thanksgiving caroling is where it's at. More like Thanksgiving poem reciting, we traveled the neighborhood spreading Thanks and cheer. However would you believe there was only one person home in the entire neighborhood. However the one house we did carol at said we made their day. Thats just us Williams girls. The poem went something like this:
Greetings from the Williams Family
We send you greetings and salutations
we are thankful for you
and we hope you're thankful for us too
Blessings to you and your family during this holiday season
gobble gobble
Fellow poem sayers.
Not exactly fine literature, but it got the point across. Anyway since no one was home we just enjoyed a nice walk through the little neighborhood taking in the "sights".

Then it is time for dinner. Feeding all of us in no easy thing to do but Nana and she pulls it off with grace. After dinner there is the ever hated tradition. Me and my three other cousins or the oldest, are required to wash the dishes. We try everything to get out of it. This year we hid in a locked bathroom with a recording of someone saying "somebody's in here" however it didn't work. And we washed this dishes, and probably will next year. However if there is any group of girls I would love to wash dishes with it would be them. We sing youtube videos at the top of our lungs, and we may or may not have started a soap fight. 
The canned cranberries. Can you believe no one ate them?

Aunt Rae Anne proudly displaying her corn.

Aunt Laurie trying out the beans

Cleaning those dishes!

The next day was black Friday. My family has NEVER been one to take advantage of these deals, usually all of us cousins go to a movie the day after Thanksgiving, however this year the selections of movies were.... let's just say we didn't go see a movie. So me and one of my sisters and two of the other older girl cousins decided to hit a tiny mall type shopping center. After going there we realized why our family didn't ever go black friday shopping. There were very few shopping "hot spots". Instead we decided to just make a quick spot at dollar general, then chill in Bigbys.

About to hit the town!

Putting those dollar general coloring books to good use!

Warm cups of coffee and coco on a cold afternoon.
"Other things may change, but we start and end with family."
-Anthony Brandt

I suppose after reading this it goes without saying that I am extremely thankful for my family. I consider myself the luckiest person in the world to have them. We all fit together perfectly. All and all it was a wonderful Thanksgiving, and all my family that was not there I missed you, and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and actually that goes to anyone reading this. Christmas here I come.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Seasons Greetings

Today Christmas music started on the radio. Oh so beautiful. It is really about time I have been waiting for this for a few months. This is when I put my ipod away and turn the radio on. (I really never listen to the radio because I don't understand the sense of someone else picking something out for you to listen to, when you could just decide yourself.) Now the season has officially started in the eyes of the world. It's such a happy time I can hardly stand it. This is the season for giving too many gifts, eating way to much, hugging like crazy, taking way too many picture, and creating memories. I guess this post is basically another "I'm excited" post but I need to tell someone about it and this is a pretty good way to get the word out about my excitment. Anyway, seasons greetings!
"When it snows, ain't it thrilling."
-Winter Wonderland (my all time favorite)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You

When things work out, I think it is one of the most wonderful gifts. Especially when it is something I have been worrying about and then poof, everything is fine. It's almost like magic, when problems just disappear. Things that have kept me awake thinking about them are just healed in seconds. It is the most relieving feeling in the world. It is a little gift from God, he works in mysterious ways, and I truely believe that. That at the core of everything is good, because it was all created to be good. Sometimes things get bad for you to realize when they're good. We need to start believing that the world is working for us instead of against us, and that there is good behind and in everyone, even if it is hard to see. Behind it all is a beautiful plan, believe that and your eyes are instantly opened to the beauty in the world. We also need to remember to be thankful for all that we have, because we do have so much. We need to remember what we have, instead of what we don't. That's the hard part. Accepting good into your life is easy, and wonderful, but remembering and being grateful for it is a whole different game, that I am still learning myself. I find it most helpful to make a mental list of what I'm thankful for before going to bed. Enjoy the good, but remember it too, and be thankful for it. So I would like to personally say thank you to everyone who has ever made me smile, laugh, cry, upset, happy, jump for joy, start talking, stop talking, think a new way, or affect my life in any other way, because it has made me who I am today, and I would not be the same without you. On top of that I would like to give thanks for all the beautiful things on this earth and people in my life especially my family and friends.

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought
and gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

make everyday the best day ever.

We all have bad days. I did today, and now that it is about eleven I figure I only have one more hour of it left. When I thought this to myself, and reflected on saying that in my head, I was kind of ashamed I had thought that. We should never wish away time, while some people are fighting for more of if. We need to cherish it, the good days and the bad. I firmly believe the only thing that can make you have a bad day is YOU. No one else decides that for you, it is a state of mind more than anything else. When I think back on my day, it really was not all bad, some pretty good things happened today, but as humans we tend to hang on to the bad instead of the good.
I heard once someone say their motto was: Best Day Ever. This is positive thinking at its finest, because I think back to days where I have said it is the best day ever, and even if I hit road bumps during the day I was still happy because it was the best day ever. What if we say everyday is the best day ever? Wouldn't that make everyday at least a little bit better. I think yes. When you wake up set youself in a state of mind that this will be the best day ever, and it will. Nothing can get in your way because this is the best day ever.
"ask me about the impossible
I'll tell you that everything is applaudable,
for life is a proscenium stage and we are the stars
and the audience we captivate
is already ours" 
We are so lucky in this life, for all we are given, and all the opportunities we have, but sometimes it is just hard to realize it. It can always be worse. You're alive, you're here, now, so do everything you can to enjoy it.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Music is the universal language of mankind. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Outre-Mer

A painter paints pictures on canvas.  But musicians paint their pictures on silence.  ~Leopold Stokowski

Music. It's pretty universal you could say. I have yet to meet to anybody that hates all types of music. Of course as humans we are all different and all have our favorite styles, artists, and bands. It doesn't matter what type you like, fact is most people on this earth like some type of music. However the overlapping theme all these genres have is the fact that they are all music. There are very few things you can say that about. Music is one of the only things I can think us that we can all agree is good. If there is not something to be said about that, I don't know what is, since we sometimes seem to have a hard time agreeing on anything else. Music is extremely influencial. It can make us laugh, cry, dance, and give us energy to go out and do something. This is a power each artist has, to provide a good message to spread to the world. To tell a story, and evoke emotion aiming to make this world a better place for all of us that like music so much. This should be the goal of every artist. To as Madame de Pompadour would say, "Every day, I wish to make the world more beautiful than I found it." I suppose that is why music is so fascinating to me. It can move people, unite people, and seriously change the world. Pretty extraordinary if you ask me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A good book is like a garden carried in your pocket.

Today, as I was half listening in class, I realized that there is an interest of mine I have yet to write about. That is reading. I realized I love talking about books, yet rarely get the opportunity, because people hardly ever enjoy getting told about a book before reading it, therefore ruining the ending. Well I guess that is why people blog, so they can basically talk about anything they want and have people that are interested read it, and hopefully change some outlooks. Today I just wanted to write about books. Well I feel it fitting to first introduce you to my favorite writer. 

Mister Stephen King. The King of horror novels. Most of you have heard about him, or seen his movies, BUT have you ever read one of his books. Before reading him I had never honestly been scared by a book, I thought it impossible, but you only have to make the mistake of reading a King novel at night once before you find that to be untrue. If you thought his movies were scary, get ready because his books are way better (better meaning worse). Spine chilling, honestly is the only word for it. Now I know, you would probably think these books do not have any happy themes, but on the contrary. His books though dark, actually sometimes have nice messages, if you dig for them. There are lots of different views on life that you learn about a character if they are say being held captive, or being attacked by aliens. They are also humerous and the best part is they are interesting. I'm not a fan of those romantic novels where boy meets girl then they ride off into the sunset, it bores me quite honestly. I like the terror because at least it keeps me awake, even if it is because I am terrified. More than horror I would call King the king of suspense. The way he writes books is basically to drive the reader crazy, wanting to know what will happen next, however by the time you get back to that character you could care less and just want to know about another character. Also every book I have read by him, has had a relatively happy ending. My favorite book of his so far was Dreamcatcher. WARNING DON'T WATCH THE MOVIE UNLESS YOU ARE EITHER LOOKING TO BE ANGRY OR LOOKING FOR A GOOD LAUGH. Because I honestly have no idea what book the director read. It was fine, up until the end, which is kind of the best part of the book.
                                     Never judge a book by its movie.  ~J.W. Eagan 
Thank you J.W. Misery is the best movie I have ever seen come out of a Stephen King novel. All of his books are good, I have yet to not enjoy one. Of course I will end my rant about Stephen King with my all time favorite quote from any of his books.
"Dreamers age faster than dreams."

Alright another one of my favorite books is Alice in Wonderland. I have never seen the movie, and I am seeing the play tomorrow, but nothing could be quite like the book. It explores imagination, and adventure, and expresses belief in the impossible. The author is Lewis Carroll. There are alot of stories behind the reasons for writing such a different kind of book where one of the themes is being crazy, and nothing really makes sense. The one that makes most sense to me is that it is an allagory, but hey thats just me, think whatever you want about this book because it is insane. My favorite quote? Well since you asked:
"Sometimes I have believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Another wonderful author is S.E Hinton. I read her most popular novel The Outsiders in gradeschool, and went on to reading all of her novels. My favorite is Rumblefish, but all her books deal with groups of teenage boys, and the only reason she went with the name S.E. was because they did not think a girl would be able to write well enough on that particular topic, but they are extremely realisic and beautiful books.

Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to the only series I have ever liked. A Series of unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket. Just good stuff. Don't watch the movies and thing you know the books, because you are 100% wrong.

Water for Elephants. Fascinating.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Beautiful.

In Cold Blood. Chilling.

Like Water for Chocolate. It's certainly something.

King Soloman's Mines. Classic.

Room. Unique.

Rapture of Caanan. Interesting.

There are so many more I could talk about, but these are basically all my favorites. Books are a way to just get away from it all, to just sit back, relax, and enjoy.

The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.  ~James Bryce

(so true James, so true)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year

That's right. I am blogging about Christmas, on November second. It's been said that the "Christmas season" is allowed to start after Thanksgiving. However I have been mentally preparing for some time now for the holiday season, and now it is time to openly being my excitment in the fast approaching celebration.
Yes, my count down is proudly displayed on my panda calender. I would like to point out today is 53 days, which is not long at all! Personally I don't think it is ever to early to get into the Christmas spirit, since when is it a bad thing to spread cheer? Exactly, and it's not so much the actual Christmas day that I love, but the entire season, and the preparation for the coming of Christ. Everyone just seems a little happier, a little more generous, and everything just gets better for a little while. You don't even have to celebrate Christmas to benefit from its sheer awesomeness. Everyone can be happy at Christmas time.

As I said, preparations have been in the making a while now. Multiple cards and gifts already made but plenty more to make. Just as a heads up if I know you, you will probably recieve a card, at least. Do not be creeped out, its just inevitable. Anyway I long for the day Christmas music starts, because that to me is when everyone else realizes what I did a month earlier, that the season is among us.

To me Christmas is a time everyone can be happy, we can all be one and celebrate together. Not the gifts, or the material stuff so much as the company is what I enjoy most, as generic as that sounds it is actually true in my case. Christmas eve is my favorite, because I go to Mass with my family, and then go to a family members house with my entire family. My family and I are extremely close, and anytime I get to get to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins, and of course my sisters and parents, it is a great time. We don't do gifts on Christmas eve, but it has always been my favorite, because it is usually the biggest party of the year for my family.

So this is the first of many posts that will deal with the topic of Christmas, and the holiday season in general, because EVERYONE can take part in this wonderful time of the year.