When things work out, I think it is one of the most wonderful gifts. Especially when it is something I have been worrying about and then poof, everything is fine. It's almost like magic, when problems just disappear. Things that have kept me awake thinking about them are just healed in seconds. It is the most relieving feeling in the world. It is a little gift from God, he works in mysterious ways, and I truely believe that. That at the core of everything is good, because it was all created to be good. Sometimes things get bad for you to realize when they're good. We need to start believing that the world is working for us instead of against us, and that there is good behind and in everyone, even if it is hard to see. Behind it all is a beautiful plan, believe that and your eyes are instantly opened to the beauty in the world. We also need to remember to be thankful for all that we have, because we do have so much. We need to remember what we have, instead of what we don't. That's the hard part. Accepting good into your life is easy, and wonderful, but remembering and being grateful for it is a whole different game, that I am still learning myself. I find it most helpful to make a mental list of what I'm thankful for before going to bed. Enjoy the good, but remember it too, and be thankful for it. So I would like to personally say thank you to everyone who has ever made me smile, laugh, cry, upset, happy, jump for joy, start talking, stop talking, think a new way, or affect my life in any other way, because it has made me who I am today, and I would not be the same without you. On top of that I would like to give thanks for all the beautiful things on this earth and people in my life especially my family and friends.
"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought
and gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
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