Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year

That's right. I am blogging about Christmas, on November second. It's been said that the "Christmas season" is allowed to start after Thanksgiving. However I have been mentally preparing for some time now for the holiday season, and now it is time to openly being my excitment in the fast approaching celebration.
Yes, my count down is proudly displayed on my panda calender. I would like to point out today is 53 days, which is not long at all! Personally I don't think it is ever to early to get into the Christmas spirit, since when is it a bad thing to spread cheer? Exactly, and it's not so much the actual Christmas day that I love, but the entire season, and the preparation for the coming of Christ. Everyone just seems a little happier, a little more generous, and everything just gets better for a little while. You don't even have to celebrate Christmas to benefit from its sheer awesomeness. Everyone can be happy at Christmas time.

As I said, preparations have been in the making a while now. Multiple cards and gifts already made but plenty more to make. Just as a heads up if I know you, you will probably recieve a card, at least. Do not be creeped out, its just inevitable. Anyway I long for the day Christmas music starts, because that to me is when everyone else realizes what I did a month earlier, that the season is among us.

To me Christmas is a time everyone can be happy, we can all be one and celebrate together. Not the gifts, or the material stuff so much as the company is what I enjoy most, as generic as that sounds it is actually true in my case. Christmas eve is my favorite, because I go to Mass with my family, and then go to a family members house with my entire family. My family and I are extremely close, and anytime I get to get to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins, and of course my sisters and parents, it is a great time. We don't do gifts on Christmas eve, but it has always been my favorite, because it is usually the biggest party of the year for my family.

So this is the first of many posts that will deal with the topic of Christmas, and the holiday season in general, because EVERYONE can take part in this wonderful time of the year.

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